• Lideta, Electric Tower on back of Balcha Hospital 4th floor Room No. 303 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • +251911854313

Product, Quality, and Country

Exportable Commodity

S.No Commodity Price
Fersulla Quntal
1 Spacailty Coffee ↗
2 Washed Coffee ↗
3 Un Washed Coffee ↗
4 White Pea Beans ↗
5 Red Pea Beans ↗
6 Ranger Pea Beans ↗
7 Cream Beans ↗
8 Red Kidiney Beans ↗
9 Light Spakled Beans ↗
10 Sesame ↗
11 Sesame Reddish ↗
12 Green Mung Beans ↗
13 Soya Beans ↗
14 Chick beans ↗
15 Kabuli Chick Bens ↗
16 Turmric ↗
17 Butterlupin ↗
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